Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio

Qumran Zadokites and their Allies (2 of 7): Analysis, History, and Teachings Relating to Yeshua as Melchizedek

Avi ben Mordechai Season 4 Episode 137

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Today's episode continues our study of the well-known House of Tzadok (the "Zadokites") as it relates to the life of Yeshua, Hebrew Scripture, and the New Covenant.

Recall from Hebrew Scripture a hereditary line that began with Abraham and then to Isaac, to Jacob. Then, through Leah, Jacob's wife, she conceived and gave birth to Levi, which means “attached” or “joined.”  Through her son Levi, a son was born - Kohat. He later produced Amram. Amram added two sons, Moses and Aaron. These two were split into two unique branches, each with special functions.

The branch of Aaron came to be established through his sons. They were Eliezer, Itamar, Nadav, and Avihu. These four were set apart to serve as Priests to El Elyon in the Tabernacle. Still, Scripture tells us that Aaron's sons Nadav and Avihu died as a punishment for their rebellion. Then, Aaron's son Itamar later produced sons, establishing the House of Ithamar. Still, due to more rebellion, that house of descendants was forever forbidden to serve in the priesthood, leaving only Aaron's firstborn son, Eliezer, who was chosen to carry on the hereditary line of the Aaronic priesthood. Later, Eliezer passed on his elected authority to Pinchas, who passed it down to a man named Tzadok. He became the chosen priest for the House of David and Solomon.

Just before the birth of Yeshua, John (Yochanan), the Son of Zechariah and Elisheva (Luke 1:5), received the Mantle of Zadok authority. He transferred his authority over to Yeshua, son of Miriam and Yosef, but in a way that appears to be an "upline" transfer (kind of like a spiritual loop) which returns to its beginning through the Order of Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18), who was and continues as King Tzadok of the celestial city of Shalem. All who come into the New Covenant by receiving the testimony of Yeshua are then included into the chosen and elected priesthood status of the Order of Melchizedek, at least, according to Exodus 19:5-6, and are therefore called the "Sons of Tzadok" and Yehovah's "Sons of Light."

Let's look into this historical line of Tzadok in today's study, Episode 137 and Part 24 in the Chronology of Yeshua's Last Passover Week.

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