Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio

Behold the Shroud! PART 1. Interview with Barrie Schwortz, the 1978 Science Team Documenting Photographer

Avi ben Mordechai Season 5 Episode 148

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With this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio, we will speak with Barrie Schwortz who was the Official Documenting Photographer for the Shroud of Turin Science Team in 1978. Barrie Schwortz will speak with us about the Shroud as evidenced by his extensive professional photography background.

Barrie had been asked to join the Shroud of Turin Science team back in 1978 due to his extensive professional work with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, scientifically analyzing films and photos of U.S. Government atomic bomb blasts.

Join us now as we learn a little something about the life of Barrie Schwortz and about the knowledge that he gained in working with the Shroud of Turin science experts, and what they learned and discovered about this ancient cloth.

This is PART 1 of the interview, Real Israel Talk Radio Episode 148.

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