Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio

Shavuot (Feast of Weeks/Pentecost): The End Times and the Theme of the Last Day Resurrection (the "rapture") - PART 1

Avi ben Mordechai Season 5 Episode 153

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Let’s talk about the annual celebration of the Festival of Weeks or what Yehovah refers to in Scripture as Shavu’ot or in Greek – “Pentecost.” Shavu’ot, in the Bible, presents itself as an annual festival about biblical restoration, renewal, and completion.

A harvesting of souls performed as an ingathering and separating of wheat from tares (Matthew 13:30).

A restoration to repair Adam’s treasonable transaction with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good but Evil in Genesis 3:6 and then passing that corruption down to all of us.

 A calling to freely become an ally and associate of King Messiah’s government administration on earth, as it is also in Shalem, the Kingdom of Heaven (Genesis 14:18 and 1 Corinthians 6:3)

A rebuilding of Yehovah’s Government of Heaven on earth, as it is in heaven (Acts 15:16 based on Amos 9:11).

An end of salvation through the door of summer and the start of a new component of eternal life through the door of hope (Romans 8:25 and Matthew 24:33)

A bodily transformation through a promised resurrection on the Last Day (John 6:40 and Romans 8:23)

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