Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio

Amir Atieh - Secular Israeli to Messianic Teacher

Avi ben Mordechai Season 5 Episode 155

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I’m speaking with Amir Atieh of Natanael Ministries in Western Australia today. Amir was born to Israeli parents and grew up in Ramale, not too far from Tel Aviv. His life and growing up years were filled with abuse and pain on many levels. Amir grew up among secular Israelis, Christians, and Arabs, never knowing his true heritage until, one day, he learned the truth about the promised Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures.

I had the opportunity to talk with Amir about his life's journey from a secular Israeli to a prominent and growing Messianic Voice of Truth based in Perth, Western Australia.

Join me for a chat about Amir Atieh (Arabic for a "giver")
, his testimony, and his transformation from a secular Israeli to a Messianic Teacher. Visit his website:

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