Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio
ABOUT ME and THIS PODCAST: I am Avinoam ("Avi") ben Mordechai. I am an old veteran of the radio broadcast industry. For me, radio programming was very different when I started in the early 1970s as a California "rock jock" radio personality and later in the 1980s as a Colorado radio programmer and secular and religious content talk show host. I selectively do live on-air radio programming where I find opportunity, but ultimately, whatever I pursue with my years of radio broadcast training is not formal. I seek to serve Yehovah with the gifts and talents that He has given to me.
Today, I am passionate about teaching the Bible in an understandable way to modern readers of ancient Scripture. The biblical studies I engage in through my teaching monologues and, in some cases, interviews with knowledgable academic researchers, are, at the very core, Hebraic studies, as I seek to connect the dots, so to speak, between the biblical Hebrew Bible and the Brit Hadasha (the New Covenant or "New Testament").
I aim to help Yehovah's students better understand His Word. I try hard to provide the Almighty Eternal One's students with the tools necessary to become thinking and reasoning followers in the Messianic claims and teachings of Yeshua from the Second Temple period of Israel's Judaism. I strive to provide a safe, nurturing, non-judgmental, and advanced learning environment where students of biblical Scripture can learn, grow, and develop in their knowledge of the Word of Yeshua HaMashiach (the promised Messiah for Jews and non-Jews alike) through a personal relationship with Yehovah, the Almighty Eternal One of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Each posted podcast has a running time of 50 minutes divided into two 25-minute program segments. You may freely listen to and download them at your convenience. My strict policy is never to monetize them, meaning to turn them into opportunities for moneymaking or to accept advertisers. I do not ask any of my listeners to donate money to this program. If you are moved to give to this outreach ministry, this is between you and your great Father in Heaven.
Go in spiritual and emotional health.
Avinoam ben Mordechai
Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio
Bruce Brill Memoir and author of a book based on true events: Deceit of an Ally and more on the still existing American Intelligence "Jew Room" (PART 2)
Shalom, I am Avi ben Mordechai, and this is Real Israel Talk Radio
On today’s show, the second of a two-part interview with Bruce Brill, who wrote Deceit of an Ally – A Memoir of Military Anti-Semitism, NSA’s Secret Jew Room and Yom Kippur War Treachery.
Bruce and four other American US Army servicemen worked for the US National Security Agency (NSA) in 1973. They came to discover a true story of an Un-American Deep-State NSA Cabal in the highest echelon of Washington, D.C.’s Swamp of corruption. They came to learn that US intelligence not only knew Egypt and Syria were going to attack Israel but knew this for a certainty, knew it days in advance, and knew when the attack would commence, contradicting the US intelligence agencies' own claims that everyone was fooled and fully taken by surprise in the events of October 6, 1973, referred to as the Yom Kippur War.
Of the 1300 books written about that event, not one reveals how Israel fell prey to a deception perpetrated by their American Ally that cost Israel over 2,600 lives. Brill and his colleagues realized that Israel was NOT informed of what American intelligence knew because Israel’s top leaders were intentionally given false intelligence that the Arabs would NOT attack. Precisely fifty years later, this same Cabal of deception once again stepped into action and carried out its evil work before the alleged surprise sneak attack against Israel on October 7, 2023, leading to where we are today in Israeli and Middle East politics.
Although the term "Jew Room" is no longer used, it has morphed in name only and is still active within the CIA/NSA American intelligence community. Find out more about it here in this podcast. Here is Bruce Brill to continue his story.