Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio

Decoding the Qumran Zadokite Calendar (PART 2)

Avi ben Mordechai Season 5 Episode 168

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Real Israel Talk Radio
Episode 168

On today's program, my guest is Professor Jonathan Ben Dov of Haifa University and Tel Aviv University. Professor Ben Dov received international recognition through his scholarly work on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Fragment 4Q324d, with Professor Dr. Eshbal Ratzon. Together, their work on DSS 4Q324d taught them about a little-known biblical celebration of the Hebrew Bible, referred to as the Festival of the Wood Offering on the 29th day of the 6th Month. The WOOD OFFERING FESTIVAL referred to as KORBAN ETZIM, is mentioned in the Temple Scroll 11Q19 Column 23, as well as the DSS Calendrical Document fragments 4Q324d, 4Q325, 4Q327, 4Q365RPc, Flavius Josephus' Wars of the Jews, the Hebrew Book of Nehemiah 10:34 (Heb:35), and Nehemiah 13:29. On this program we will learn about DSS 4Q324d and the Levitical Priestly Calendar of 364 Days and how it relates to the Qumran Priestly Community of the Yachad.

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