Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio

Yosef Sanchez: From World Class Table Tennis Athlete and Coach to Spanish Language Messianic Torah Leader and Teacher

Avi ben Mordechai Season 5 Episode 171

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Before fulfilling his calling in a Latin American Spanish Language Messianic ministry, Yosef Sanchez was, for many years, taking his own journey into becoming a national table tennis champion to represent Mexico in professional table tennis. With his sights focused on becoming a respected top-ten world-class table tennis player, the Almighty, Eternal One of Israel, got ahold of his life and redirected his dream. Instead of going for the Olympic gold in Table Tennis, Yosef came to be a well-known and respected trainer for the paraplegic Christina Hoffman, who, in fact, did go on to become Mexico’s world-class table tennis national champion. But this is just the beginning of the story about Yosef Sanchez. Today, he leads a Spanish-language Messianic ministry in Cancun, Mexico. Indeed, his spiritual life’s journey is engaging, taking him from world-class Table Tennis to world-class biblical research and Spanish language Messianic leadership. This Real Israel Talk Radio program, Episode 171, is the story of the life and journey of Yosef Sanchez from Cancun, Mexico. 

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